Helping women take control of their financial future.

Welcome to Nicole Bremner's World of Financial Empowerment. At the intersection of ambition, wisdom and wealth lies the transformative journey I'm privileged to embark on with you.

I'm Nicole Bremner—a financial coach, property developer, author, podcast host and seasoned investor.

With over two decades of experience navigating the intricate landscapes of financial services across Sydney, London and New York, I've cultivated a wealth of knowledge and expertise. From pioneering property crowdfunding initiatives to orchestrating multi-million-pound investments, my journey has been marked by innovation, resilience and a relentless pursuit of success.

Are you ready to rewrite the narrative of wealth, wisdom, and empowerment together? Contact me and let’s see how I can help you embrace your financial potential. It's time to seize your dreams, and embark on a journey of financial freedom and fulfilment.